Next Generation Sequencing Facility

The NGS provides a flexible sequencing service in which cutting edge methodologies can be rapidly developed and provided as a service to both internal and external users.
The facility is equipped with Illumina HiSeq 3000, NextSeq 500 and MiSeq sequencers for sequencing of DNA or RNA samples. We can sequence user-prepared libraries or provide a limited library preparation service. The facility has a proven track record in the effective use of exome, RNASeq and Chip-Seq methodologies, and we are continuously striving to broaden our skill base.
We are able to generate data with a full audit trail to NHS diagnostic standards while simultaneously proving a flexible environment that allows us to rapidly respond to new developments in your research field.

Technology HiSeq, MiSeq, NextSeq

Expertise Illumina, NGS Libraries, Exome, WES, RNASeq

Next Generation Sequencing Facility
Equipment Name Actions