X-Ray single crystal diffractometer



Model: Rigaku Oxford Diffraction - SupernovaThis diffractometer features a 4-circle Kappa precision goniometer, an Atlas S2 135mm CCD (smart sensitivity) Area Detector with intelligent measurement system, and both a copper and a molybdenum microfocus sealed-tube X-ray source operating at 40W. A colour video microscope (120X magnification) is present for crystal mounting and face-indexing. Automatic structure solution and refinement is possible from AutoChem, and runs concurrent with data-collection and integration using CrysAlisPro software for either small molecule or protein data. Due to funding some restrictions may apply to the use of this item. For further details please contact Nathan Halcovitch or Mark Rushforth.

ManufacturerManufacturer Unknown



Lancaster University Campus


Academic Contact

Dr Nathan Halcovitch
+44 1524 594631

Technical Contact

Dr Nathan Halcovitch
+44 1524 594631