Leeds Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy Centre https://engineering.leeds.ac.uk/LEMAS

Leeds Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy Centre (LEMAS) is internationally renowned as a leading research centre in microscopic and spectroscopic characterisation of solid materials.
We aim to develop and underpin materials characterisation techniques at the University of Leeds and to also offer external services to outside higher education institutions and industry.
The characterisation of the morphology, structure and chemical composition of materials at length scales, which can be as small as atomic dimensions constitutes a key aspect in understanding both a material's physical behaviour, such as the electronic, thermal, magnetic and mechanical properties, and its chemical behaviour.
Materials characterisation lies at the interface between the physical and engineering sciences, it also increasingly covers many areas of the biological sciences. The major technological advances throughout history have been dependent on an accurate characterisation of the structure and chemistry of both traditional, improved and novel materials.
The facility is jointly run by the School of Chemical and Process Engineering and the School of Earth and Environment.
Specialist technologies include:
• High spatial resolution microanalysis
• Light element composition
• Elemental distributions
• Chemical state information
• Segregation phenomena
• Imaging microporous materials
• Cross sectional microscopy and analysis

Technology SEM, FIBSEM, TEM, EDX, STEM, EELS, Microprobe WDS, EBSD and CL.

Expertise Nanomaterials, Metallurgy, Ceramics/minerals, Biomaterials, Composite materials, Powders, Interfaces/surfaces.

Leeds Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy Centre
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